What is vehicle wrapping?

A car should fit your life in more ways than one. Not only is it your necessary transport but many of us like our cars to reflect our likes and dislikes. Many garages and dealers warn against making drastic changes to your car, as paint resprays can damage the resale value; however, have you considered car wrapping?

What is vehicle wrapping?

Vinyl car wrapping can change the look of your car without the need for any paint or processes that could impact the resale value. Car wrapping involves a layer of plastic vinyl being used to cover the vehicle’s paintwork. This can be fiddly work, so it must be done by a fully-trained technician who will prepare the paint surface of the car, take accurate measurements, and ensure the vinyl is properly applied.

There are three types of car wrapping that are most commonly used. Clear vinyl wrapping keeps the original colour of the vehicle but protects the paintwork. Colour vinyl wrapping changes the colour and finish of a car, while advertising wraps are used to advertise businesses. You have probably seen thousands of these on vans all over the country.

Your car could look like anything you want it to – apart from changes such as safety chevron kits, as companies only supply vehicle chevron kits for specific vehicles. Perhaps you fancy the classic flame decal or even making your car look like it came straight out of The Fast and the Furious? It is far cheaper and easier than respraying, which can leave future buyers wondering whether the vehicle has a murky past, and vinyl is very easy to maintain and refresh. Not only does car wrapping change the car’s appearance but also it can help to protect your paintwork from scratches, chips and UV damage. You can opt to have your whole vehicle covered or just particular sections, such as the doors, roof or wing mirrors.

What are the downsides?

Unskilled technicians can scratch the paintwork as they apply the vinyl or not properly attach it, leaving air bubbles under the plastic. If the vinyl isn’t properly fitted, it can trap water underneath, leading to water damage to the car and weakening the integrity of the paint. Regular washing is needed to maintain the colour of the wrap and protect it from the corrosive effect of bird droppings.

Johnson Alex

Alex, a seasoned automotive journalist, uses his blog to share his in-depth knowledge about the latest car models. His detailed reviews and technical analysis are valuable resources for auto enthusiasts and potential car buyers.

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